Cygwin: Your group is currently “mkpasswd”

February 11, 2010 · Posted in Cygwin 

I just updated my cygwin environment and started receiving following errors upon login to console:

Your group is currently “mkpasswd”.  This indicates that your
gid is not in /etc/group and your uid is not in /etc/passwd.

The /etc/passwd (and possibly /etc/group) files should be rebuilt.
See the man pages for mkpasswd and mkgroup then, for example, run

mkpasswd -l [-d] > /etc/passwd
mkgroup  -l [-d] > /etc/group

Note that the -d switch is necessary for domain users.

To resolve the problem, simply follow the direction above.

$ mkpasswd -l > /etc/passwd

$ mkgroup -l > /etc/group

That is all.


3 Responses to “Cygwin: Your group is currently “mkpasswd””

  1. Naruki on February 3rd, 2012 9:10 am

    All that is required unless you are in a domain. Then you have to use the -d switch and dump however many groups are defined for your company.

    In my case, over 25,000.

    It would be nice to know the exact minimum that will still work, since I am the only user of Cygwin on this computer.

  2. Todd on July 30th, 2012 12:30 pm

    Same here. I’m on a domain with quite a few accounts and groups, but I just need me.

  3. Todd on July 30th, 2012 12:37 pm

    … I figured out what to do in your case, Naruki. (I had the same situation.)

    mkpasswd -c > /etc/passwd
    mkgroup -c > /etc/group

    That takes your own information and puts it in those files. (See manpage.)

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