Sending SMS via e-mail

December 30, 2009 · Posted in Cellular Phones · Comment 

As many of you know, you can send SMS (short message service: AKA text messages) to your phone over e-mails. Send e-mails to following address:

  • Cingular/iPhone: <phone#>
  • T-Mobile: <phone#>
  • Sprint: <phone#>
  • Verizon: <phone#>

where <phone#> = cellular phone’s 10 digit phone number

Remember, there is 160 character limitations for Latin alphabet for most of the service providers. If you send it longer than that, it may be sent as several SMS messages and the delivery order is NOT guaranteed.

Free Signature Web Media WordPress Theme for you to download

December 1, 2009 · Posted in Free Downloads, Products · Comment 

Some customers asked if they can use our WordPress theme that we are using. It was custom designed by us and they like it. (We do, too.)

They searched Google for free WordPress themes, and many are already used by hundreds of thousands of websites. (That means our theme is not popular?) At least it can be relatively unique website if you use ours. Also, the theme is released under GPL license. Yes, it is free! You just need to sign up. We just want to know who is using.

No, we do not sell or give your e-mail address to anyone.

Please sign up and download from here.
